For the needs of project implementation a plan to use communication tools will be prepared. It will encompass:

  • communication plan for the communication of partners as well as communication with project participants,
  • plan of partner meetings and plan of Skype conferences,
  • plan for regular issuing of a newsletter through the web page of the project with the project time table,
  • plan of meetings of the editorial board of the magazine,
  • plan for compiling a bilingual flyer and a brochure about the project,
  • plan for distribution of promotional materials of the project.

Communication plans will be implemented by all partners: UCM Trnava, Uzhgorod University, RDA Svidník and RDA Rachov. Implementation of communication tools during the implementation of the project will significantly contribute to the quality of project management, as well as cost-efficiency of communication and on-time achievement of project results. Implementation of tools will be secured by the project coordinators.